Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sound stimulated learning

Starter and Plenary
I didn't have to spent too much time in thinking what could be the best starter for my topic settlements.I just had a glance of the list of starters that was given to us by Mr.Rohan.The word NOISE striked me,well I knew my year 7 boys who are equally noisy would love to have a good start with some stimulating sounds.I just downloaded  few sounds on to an active inspire flip chart and made a big GO with my starter.My students were able to identify the sounds and answer the question, where could we hear these sounds very often?.These critical thinking questions revealed the meaning of the new geographical terms URBAN and RURAL.

Considering the age of my learners I chose to use MUSICAL STEM as my plenary.The whole class stepped out of their seat and formed a big circle.A hat was filled with  question stems,students passed the hat as the music played,when the music stops,the person who gets the hat picks a question stem and answers.Students were enthusiastic and everyone participated with excitement and joy.The plenary was successful as it served the purpose of achieving the learning outcome.Students response and feedbacks were the greatest evidence of the successful plenary.The energy level of the students were highly remarkabe,they left the room with great joy and a sense of achievement.

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