Sunday, February 26, 2012

A True Experience

Amazing experience using ICT

Hurray ! watch out to know my learners...................................

I was very nervous to try out my new approach, as I was not very good in ICT and also feared whether there would be any technical hitch while delivering the lesson.My students really proved that they really enjoyed the interactive lesson and all have achieved the outcome.
 I have evaluated the whole process to understand, what worked well through different feedbacks. What didn’t and what could have done to make it better. I have used several effective questioning strategies such as hot seat; phone a friend, think time and no hands up. Students were asked to solve the answers in active inspire for mid plenary these techniques helped me to analyse the learner and guide them wherever necessary. The mentor feedbacks and students’ feedbacks are mighty reflections. The main area of concern raised by my mentor and students are to allot more time for the main activities. I also feel that such sessions should be conducted in the ICT labs, should have divided the unit into two lessons so they could have had an ample time in looking into their main task and moreover to improve my ICT skills further by exploring and researching on interactive ICT resources. I can also do a team teaching with my students’ ICT teacher.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sound stimulated learning

Starter and Plenary
I didn't have to spent too much time in thinking what could be the best starter for my topic settlements.I just had a glance of the list of starters that was given to us by Mr.Rohan.The word NOISE striked me,well I knew my year 7 boys who are equally noisy would love to have a good start with some stimulating sounds.I just downloaded  few sounds on to an active inspire flip chart and made a big GO with my starter.My students were able to identify the sounds and answer the question, where could we hear these sounds very often?.These critical thinking questions revealed the meaning of the new geographical terms URBAN and RURAL.

Considering the age of my learners I chose to use MUSICAL STEM as my plenary.The whole class stepped out of their seat and formed a big circle.A hat was filled with  question stems,students passed the hat as the music played,when the music stops,the person who gets the hat picks a question stem and answers.Students were enthusiastic and everyone participated with excitement and joy.The plenary was successful as it served the purpose of achieving the learning outcome.Students response and feedbacks were the greatest evidence of the successful plenary.The energy level of the students were highly remarkabe,they left the room with great joy and a sense of achievement.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Strengthen the Socratic spirit.

My Reflection on effective questioning????????
I could really sense a new fragrance of knowledge and learning in my classroom.I didn't have to wait for my students feedback after the lesson,I could read their gestures,enthusiasm,excitement and curiosity while the lesson was going on.The rotating chair for the hot seat questioning and the cloak gave them a new outlook to learning.I could read their gestures very well,they were so thrilled to try and call out for chances but unfortunately there was no hands on questioning encouraged.This was the greatest challenge of the day.Phone a friend ,this strategy made my young learners so proud and come out as an expertie.Students were bubbling with confidence and energy. 

Hot Seat questionig............?????

Phone a friend,seeking expert advice

Mantle of the expert

I'm so glad that my choices on different questioning techniques wasn't a bad idea or a failure.I chose to focus on Phone a friend,Mantle of the expert and Hot seat questioning.Luckly, I  managed to use props such as a cloak and a revolving chair which made my students more enthusiatic.As I have mentioned earlier that my learners always look forward to have variety in learning and moreover prefer to think out of box.Learning was easily measurable,the new questioning styles gave students an opportunity to show case their skills and talents. 
I will keep exploring these new learning strategies as it gives a new meaning to learning and prepare my students to challenge the future world. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Effective Questioning

Effective questioning strategies in classrooms
Effective questioning is an inevitable tool in the teaching and learning process. It is the best strategy, which helps a teacher-
v To measure the effectiveness of teaching
v To develop interest and motivate students in learning.
v To actively involve students in teaching and learning
v To develop confidence and leadership qualities in the young learners.
v To assess the achievement of learning objective and outcome
v To develop the critical thinking skills.
v To check and evaluate the previous knowledge
v To develop a rapport with teacher and students
Last week the main focus for our CICT training was on Effective Questioning. It was really interesting to understand the importance of different types of questioning and the appropriate terms used for each questioning styles. Even though we’re aware of these strategies we have not taken much risk in introducing different styles of questioning in our day to day teaching.
The most common questioning techniques that I use for my lessons are - thinking time, no hands questioning, basketball questioning, conscripts and volunteers,etc. (hurray! I learnt new terms).

Well, to inspire and motivate my learners I have decided to use - Phone a friend, Mantle of the expert and Hot seat questioning techniques. This will create a new aura towards learning in my classroom. I need to look for a hot seat (rotating chair) and a cloak to capture more attention and curiosity as my learners get bored up very quickly with any sort of repetitive strategies. I always try my best to find something new and interesting for them.

Outdoor Lessons

Weather so fine for outdoor lessons
Changes from the usual classroom atmosphere  always create enthusiasm in the young learners. It is same as using the traditional methods which make the learners dull and slothful.So we teachers of this century need to pace up with the requirements of the new world learners.
As the weather is so fine and pleasant, I have decided at least once a week I will make use of the large green canopy area of our school. So I have started with my Year 9 G1 class. I could evaluate and really measure the learning that was taking place. Several hands on activities and role play on Russian revolution were praise worthy.
I pray that this pleasant weather remain forever in UAE, coz the heat can kill all the essences of the outdoor lessons. My students look forward to come out of the classrooms , they enjoy every part of the outdoor lesson. I request all my friends to make use of this great time.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Winchester Opra

Thanks Rohan, great was that moment when we had our Oprah Winfrey Show. Cindrella, the Winchester Oprah was gorgeous. Well, I believe that we were able to entertain you guys. My guest appearance and the name I chose for myself was real fun, Mrs. Bec Kinsey ( do you think this name suits me???,ha ,ha, ha………….)
I could see some of you were confused and pronounced the name differently and moreover there was a grin before anyone called out my name. Thanks to all my colleagues for your amazing roles and questions. Really had a good laugh. I still cannot control myself when I think about it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012



In this life long process, EVALUATION is the greatest key that helped me to open many strategies to improve my teaching career. A successful teacher often evaluate herself, this reflection makes you think and ask yourself, “How could have I done better?
My belief is that evaluation is an essenetial and inevitable part of teaching and learning process. There are many ways in evaluating the teaching and learning process:
vRecord your class (video or audio) and then contemplate ……….
vStudent evaluation- interviews, questionnaires, verbal and written comments of students and peers.
vPeer Observation
vStudents’ Test
vPeer marking
vInclude risk taking and critical thinking in your lessons (Observe and record the challenges taken by the students)
Evaluation helps us to prosper; moreover it helps our students to be confident lifelong learners. When you start evaluating you adopt variety of teaching techniques, every touch of yours will bring sparkles in the life of the young learners.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Feedbacks are vital and inevitable in teaching and learning, it is an effective instrument that enhances our career. It gives us a reflection on what we have been doing, whether it may be good or bad. A successful teacher looks forward for feedbacks from her students and colleagues, accepts it positively and applies to set her new targets.
Different ways to attain feedbacks
 ü Verbal and written feedbacks from students
ü Self-evaluation (ask yourself at the end of every lesson)
ü Plenary and mid-plenary (gives you a feedback on how effective was your lesson)
ü Being friendly and approachable (students feel so free to share their thoughts)
ü Facial expression, exchange of gestures
ü Students’ active participation in group discussions and activities
ü Peer observations
ü Assessments
ü Questionnaires
Do not hesitate in getting feedbacks,it will take you  to the heights of success.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A walk through

It takes be back to my childhood memories. I lived my life with a desire to be a teacher. I still remember, whenever I had to play with my friends, I always wanted to be a teacher. I was very keen in dressing up like a teacher, wearing a sari, a high heel shoes and spectacles. I use to teach the walls and pillars, smacking them, asking questions and answering myself. As time passed the concept of a teacher has changed due to the influence of few of my role model teachers. Immediately after my graduation I got into a corporate world and just worked there for three days. I somehow felt that this is not the place where I should be. I was lucky enough to have a husband who equally thought that teaching is the only job that would suit my career coz I love kids. My passion for kids took me to a universal theatre where I could play multiple role as a successful teacher, mother, mentor, entertainer, guide and moreover a good friend.
 I’m glad to say that I did not become a teacher by chance or by an accident. Turning back 15 years in this 'Noble profession’, I can say that I'm happy and feel proud coz I have seen my timid, little boys and girls who use to clutch fearfully the hands of their parents when they were brought into the school for the first time, have grown to young men and women with radiating confidence and self-worth in their different careers. (Thanks to Face book).I enjoy reading comments about me by my old students, they are amazing feedbacks.
Moreover in the quest of finding the different types of learners and catering to their needs and skills, I'm blessed and glad to say that I have grown with great experiences and am still exploring the wide ocean of teaching and learning. It’s really interesting being inside the classrooms, trying out new techniques, entertaining and catering to the requirements of our students, I look forward working many more years and watching my students grow as successful teachers, engineers, lawyers and doctors, etc. Moreover creating a smile on every face,EVERY SMILE MATTERS. I will keep travelling in this world of education,learning,exploring and full filling my mission and vision, to mold my students as a successful and enthusiastic lifelong learners.
Friends, feel proud of yourself coz you're a TEACHER.
Several roles to bring out success in our students