Monday, February 13, 2012

Effective Questioning

Effective questioning strategies in classrooms
Effective questioning is an inevitable tool in the teaching and learning process. It is the best strategy, which helps a teacher-
v To measure the effectiveness of teaching
v To develop interest and motivate students in learning.
v To actively involve students in teaching and learning
v To develop confidence and leadership qualities in the young learners.
v To assess the achievement of learning objective and outcome
v To develop the critical thinking skills.
v To check and evaluate the previous knowledge
v To develop a rapport with teacher and students
Last week the main focus for our CICT training was on Effective Questioning. It was really interesting to understand the importance of different types of questioning and the appropriate terms used for each questioning styles. Even though we’re aware of these strategies we have not taken much risk in introducing different styles of questioning in our day to day teaching.
The most common questioning techniques that I use for my lessons are - thinking time, no hands questioning, basketball questioning, conscripts and volunteers,etc. (hurray! I learnt new terms).

Well, to inspire and motivate my learners I have decided to use - Phone a friend, Mantle of the expert and Hot seat questioning techniques. This will create a new aura towards learning in my classroom. I need to look for a hot seat (rotating chair) and a cloak to capture more attention and curiosity as my learners get bored up very quickly with any sort of repetitive strategies. I always try my best to find something new and interesting for them.

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